LEI Registration
LEI Registration refers to obtaining a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI), which is a globally recognized 20-character alphanumeric code used to uniquely identify legal entities participating in financial transactions. It is regulated by the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) and supported by RBI for financial entities in India.
Key Features of LEI Registration
- Global Identifier: Establishes a unique identity for entities in financial markets.
- Mandatory for Financial Transactions: Required for transactions above specific thresholds in derivatives, forex, and large-value transfers.
- Transparency: Enhances accountability and risk management in financial markets.
Eligibility Criteria
- Legal entities such as:
- Companies
- Trusts
- Partnerships
- NGOs
- Financial Institutions
Documents Required for LEI Registration
- PAN Card of the entity.
- Registration Certificate (Company, Trust, or Society).
- Proof of Address of the entity.
- Authorized Signatory Details:
- Name, Designation, and Contact Details.
- Board Resolution/Authorization Letter (if applicable).
Steps to Apply for LEI Registration
Visit the LEI Issuer Website:
- In India, the LEI can be obtained from approved Local Operating Units (LOUs) like the Legal Entity Identifier India Limited (LEIL) (www.ccilindia-lei.co.in).
Fill Application Form:
- Provide details about the legal entity and authorized signatories.
Upload Required Documents:
- Attach scanned copies of necessary documents.
Pay Registration Fee:
- A fee is charged for obtaining the LEI code (varies by LOU).
Verification and Issuance:
- The LOU verifies the application and issues the LEI Code upon approval.
Benefits of LEI Registration
- Enhances transparency in financial markets.
- Simplifies reporting and regulatory compliance.
- Facilitates risk management in financial transactions.
- Recognized globally, ensuring seamless cross-border transactions.